CRC-16 Calculator
Initial value (hex.):  
Reverse data bytes:  
Polynomial (hex.):  
Reverse before XOR:  
Final XOR (hex.):  
Bytes (hex.):
Input byte count:   0
CRC-16 (hex.):  

This is a CRC-16 generator preconfigured with input values to generate a CRC-16-CCITT (X.25) checksum the way it should be calculated by devices sending SML (Smart Message Language) messages, e.g. so called smart meters (measuring the consumed energy and more) as the Iskra MT175 does.

It is based on source code from Sven Reifegerste.

Please take a look at the JavaScript source code, especially the (short) function getCrc16ForBytes() that does the calculation (almost everything else is code to make the website work).

You can also find this website's sources and more at my GitHub page. A C port is available there, too (including a simple commandline tool).

2023, Marcel Timm (RhinoDevel).